Saturday, May 7, 2022

Graduation Season

As we come to the end of another semester/ school year we get to see a new graduating class. Though I am not graduating this year, I will be celebrating a graduate in my family. My wife is graduating next Friday from UNLV with a Masters. With that being said, we have many family members coming in to town to celebrate. I am excited but, it is always a bit stressful when having family come to Vegas.

I am beyond proud of her for this accomplishment. She has been working full time as a teacher while also completing her Masters full time. She continues to make time for family and friends on top of it all. She is someone I look up to when it comes to reaching and working towards your goals.

One more week to go! I can't believe the semester is almost over, congratulations to you all!


  1. Congrats to your wife for graduating with a Master degree from UNLV next Friday ^_^

    It's good that you have someone to look up to when reaching and working toward your goal!

    Keep the hard work and you will earn your college too Jamila :-)

  2. Congratulations to your wife on her academic achievement. That is a great accomplishment.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations to you and your wife on such an awarding accomplishment.

  5. Congratulations to your wife! I want to get my masters at UNLV too!

  6. I'm glad she managed to get her Master's when she did...I keep getting letters from UNLV about how they're eliminating different Master's programs from the catalog entirely. It seems like a lot of those programs aren't going to be available going forward.

  7. Wow good for her! Working towards a masters degree while working full time sounds tough. I'm sure it's all worth it now.

  8. I can't wait for this class and semester to end!

  9. That's awesome, congrats to your wife!

  10. It's always so nice when everyone comes together to celebrate an achievement! Congrats to your wife!

  11. Congrats to your wife for getting her masters that quit an accomplishment.

  12. oh wow a Master's is incredible! Congratulations to yall!
