Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Last Stride

Wow! I honestly can’t believe this is my last post for the semester, well probably ever. I am a bit sad I won’t be in attendance for our last class session. This week has been a hard one. I have been sick all week and I don’t seem to be doing better, declining for sure though. I have less energy to even walk today. I’m going to push through for these next few days and try to finish up the remaining work I have to do. I know I can, but looking at this screen for only 3 minutes now had really drained me and made my headache worse.

One more thing, congratulations you all we made it through the semester! I hope this summer is amazing for you all! Thank you Mr. Wu for your support an understanding!


  1. It's not over until it's over! The last class session may be today (Saturday), but I have until Wednesday to turn in students' grades :-)

    I am available to help you finish your outstanding items (all small fixes) until I have to turn in students' grades ^_^

  2. Good luck with moving back to Texas!

    Moving gets harder and more expensive every time I do it.

  3. I hope you feel better and Congratulations on all your accomplishments from this class. Good luck on your move

  4. I hope you have a good summer! Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well lately.

  5. I hope you feel better, and I know you will finish strong!

  6. Feel better and good luck on your move to Texas.

  7. Have a great Summer Jamila! Feel better.

  8. Nice being classmates with you! Good luck in the future!
