Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Last Stride

Wow! I honestly can’t believe this is my last post for the semester, well probably ever. I am a bit sad I won’t be in attendance for our last class session. This week has been a hard one. I have been sick all week and I don’t seem to be doing better, declining for sure though. I have less energy to even walk today. I’m going to push through for these next few days and try to finish up the remaining work I have to do. I know I can, but looking at this screen for only 3 minutes now had really drained me and made my headache worse.

One more thing, congratulations you all we made it through the semester! I hope this summer is amazing for you all! Thank you Mr. Wu for your support an understanding!

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Graduation Season

As we come to the end of another semester/ school year we get to see a new graduating class. Though I am not graduating this year, I will be celebrating a graduate in my family. My wife is graduating next Friday from UNLV with a Masters. With that being said, we have many family members coming in to town to celebrate. I am excited but, it is always a bit stressful when having family come to Vegas.

I am beyond proud of her for this accomplishment. She has been working full time as a teacher while also completing her Masters full time. She continues to make time for family and friends on top of it all. She is someone I look up to when it comes to reaching and working towards your goals.

One more week to go! I can't believe the semester is almost over, congratulations to you all!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

May 1, 2022

I decided to make this week's post about my day today. I woke up pretty early considering I was awake between 1AM and 5AM. Around 8AM I got up to feed my dogs and start some biology studying. My wife and I enjoyed some chill time together after a late breakfast. We decided to go to one of our favorite local bars, The Garage, to celebrate both of us getting new jobs. They have a 2 for 1 happy hour special from 11AM- 7PM everyday, and they also have a little “grill” area for food open from 3PM to like 2AM. While there we talked about my wife getting her septum pierced so, we went to a shop that was recommended to us. As we sat there waiting for her to get the piercing I decided I would get a tattoo. I had been wanting one for a while now and a friend of ours drew me a butterfly tattoo design over a year ago. 2 hours later here we are finishing up an eventful Sunday. Back to the grind we go, hope you all have a great week!