Friday, April 1, 2022

TD07 Microsoft Excel 5.5 Formatting Cells

There were many things in this section that I was aware of because it is used the same way in Word. The number formatting features were the biggest thing I learned from this chapter. I was a stranger when it came to Excel, I would avoid using it at all costs. Someone like me would have taken the time to go cell by cell adding dollar signs, decimals, and hyphens. Being able to use just a click or two to go from just numbers to money or phone numbers. I will be sure to put this to use at work.


  1. Cells have unique formatting features not applicable to other objects. Very glad you learned and appreciate the formatting features for cells in a spreadsheet and you are no longer avoiding Microsoft Excel :-)

  2. Formatting is super helpful, especially in contexts like accounting and what have you. It's way easier than having to manually enter dollar signs over and over again...

  3. There is definitely a lot of formatting options to look through.

  4. Girl same taking all day entering in $ signs, not anymore.

  5. I agree. I have avoided Excel for awhile, but now I can say that I am no longer scared haha.

  6. I get what you mean by "avoiding Excel," I use to do the same thing. I felt like a martian when I'd look at an Excel sheet. So now that I know my way around Excel, I feel very confident about what I'm doing.

  7. Formatting cells in excel is super useful for the future.

  8. I use excel but all the formatting was predone. I just type numbers in but now I know how they get the numbers to calculate the way it does, it's no more a mystery.

  9. Number formatting was a very useful tool to learn.

  10. I too was intimidated whenever I saw someone else using excel. Not knowing how user friendly it can be. Knowledge is power!

  11. Very useful! Instead of relying more on Word.

  12. I never avoided excel, but it was always intimidating whenever i saw others use it. I'm glad this class forced me to learn it since its so useful.
