Sunday, March 27, 2022

Resorts World

My first time going to Resorts World was a few weeks ago and I loved it. I don't usually gamble but, waiting around for people to buy cigars for 15 plus minutes piqued my interest to try gambling. I remembered watching this TikTok a few weeks before and the guy was going around showing how to choose a good slot to sit at. "A winning slot." is what he called it. Watching the video, I thought it was fake and maybe it is fake, and I was just lucky that night. He says to look out for signs like a bowl full of coins on one machine and the machine next to it which is the same game may have barely any coins in the bowl. With nothing left to do but wait on people, I decided to try it out. I put $5 in the machine and my first .88 cent bet hit, I won $27. The total amount I walked away with on that machine was $157 within just 10 minutes. I have never had such an experience; it was very exciting. I didn’t gamble anymore after that because I didn’t want to lose it all but, I have been itching to try this trick out on more machines. If you like to play slots, I recommend trying this trick out and seeing if it works for you.


  1. I visited Resorts World few months ago because I wanted to check out their international food court. Loved the collection but not high prices. I went back to browser the rest of the property when relatives visited. Quite a bit of walking but we enjoyed the sightseeing :-)

  2. Haven't been to Resort world yet. When I was 18 went to Ceasars Palace put $5 in and pressed a button hit a bonus and walked away with $600. I was scared they were going to take the money cuz I wasn't 21 but they have the machine so you can do it yourself. I don't like to gamble cuz I'm a cry baby if I lose.

  3. It's been really interesting, since I was living here when they started the project, and came back after it had been finished, to see the property take shape.

    I question, though, the intelligence of constructing an Asian-themed (particularly Chinese-themed) resort here...most people come to Vegas from Asia in order to get something they cannot have at home. They want pasta and **especially** tacos, etc. They're not here for noodles.

    Time will tell, though.

  4. I want to visit Resort World one day, but I don't usually go to the strip unless we have family that want to go.

  5. Nice! Congrats! I never win when I hit the casino, but I do enjoy the free booze lol.

    1. Free booze is the only reason I actually go to casinos. I hate to lose money.

  6. My parents do that all the time, their favorite machine is the one with the pig that gets full with money. They always want to pop the pig.

  7. I've tried to gamble twice, I had no idea what I was even doing haha.

  8. When I was 21 I put $20 on the roulettes and won $200. I quit after that and enjoyed Buffalo Wild Wings and a lot of beers with friends. A week later I tried it again and lost my $20 then we went home because everyone was broke. I have not gambled since lol.

  9. I am glad you like it and you had fun, but don't give in to the urges this is how you get hooked, I work in the casino I know. Seen it everyday.

  10. Word of advice to everyone! If and when we get a new casino, I highly recommend you go during their first few months of opening. They usually increase the chances of big wins so they have more things to advertise! Circa and Resorts World were definitely no exceptions to this.

  11. Lovely! I have yet to visit Resort World, but it's definitely on the list of things I plan to do.

  12. I suck at gambling, but I love the rng aspect of it. I really enjoy the manipulation of elements in order to optimize the highest chances of success, but still leaving it possible to lose!
