Monday, March 21, 2022

One of Many Thoughts

Right now I am sitting here thinking about what to write. I am not sure where to even start, so I welcome you to my thoughts.

Well My wife's birthday is coming up and I wanted to surprise her with tickets for RuPaul's Drag Race Live, we have been saying we were going to go since before the shutdown. Which was before we even moved to Nevada. I have made the plan and bought tickets but we now have a problem. My wife came to me yesterday telling me she wanted to go to RuPaul's Drage Race  Live for her birthday. Even though she told me she did not want to do anything but have a nice dinner. She also wants to invite a few friends to come with us. I did not tell her I already bought the tickets and I am not really sure what to do. Do I ruin her surprise and tell her or should I just get a refund for the tickets and buy new ones with seats next to our friends. If I tell her I only have 2 weeks to find something else to surprise her with.


  1. If you can get a refund then purchase tickets so everyone can sit together, why not?

    It is her birthday after all :-) If she wants to invite friends, then...

  2. You already got the tickets, keep your surprise and invite the friends out to dinner, they don't need to go to the show. You will be happy that you got to surprise her, and she will be happy that she got a show and dinner with friends.

  3. ^ I agree with Jamie. So you and your wife can have time together at the show on her birthday and then you guys can spend it with friend later on!

  4. " I welcome you to my thoughts" is probably one of my favorite introductions to a post I've read in a while.

    I agree with other folks here, though. I would just tell her that, to surprise her, you already bought tickets.

    You can always spend time with friends after.

  5. Yes stick with your plan, you both have been wanting to go.

  6. I'd say to tell your wife that it sold out, but she could Google it and find out it isn't lol. You could just have a surprise pre-bday dinner and surprise her with the tickets then, so you guys get both the chill dinner and the show with friends.

  7. Do it! It'll be an amazing surprise and your wife will love anything you get her because she'll see that you care and that you are thinking about her!

  8. That sounds so fun! I enjoy watching the show from time to time.

  9. I think it was very thoughtful of you to get the tickets because you knew that's what she wanted. so you should let her know you already got tickets bring her in on the decision and you both decide if you should get a refund and repurchase for her birthday. I am not sure how often you hang out with friends, but it's her birthday see what she thinks, just both of you and dinner with friends later, or everyone at the drag show. This advice might be late but thats my two cents anyway.

  10. Her friends can hang out with her after haha

  11. Happy birthday to your wife. Hope she enjoys the show.

  12. Idk im terrible at surprises so I'd probably just tell her if I were you.
