Saturday, February 26, 2022

Trader Joe's

I am not sure if you all have been exposed to the hype of the Trader Joe's grocery chain. I know many people who always talk about them going to or what they got from Trader Joe's. My first time hearing of Trader Joe's was back in 2019. However, my first time going to Trader Joe's was this past Monday but only for a short time.

We had stopped there to get a few things to bring to brunch. It didn't take me long to know I would be back. What I did not know was I would be back the next day. I had seen so many things I wanted to purchase the day before that I could not stay away. I came to the store with intentions to browse the entire store. It was pretty cro
wded when I got there so I decided to grab a few items and leave.

I bought this blueberry goat cheese, pita crackers, spinach dip, frozen orange chicken personal meal, a pancake bread loaf, family size frozen orange chicken, and frozen lo mein. I had previously tried the goat cheese at the brunch I attended on Monday, I had the frozen orange chicken meal for lunch, and it is probably the best personal frozen meal I've had. On Tuesday and Wednesday, my family tried many of the things from Trader Joe's and we have all really enjoyed everything.

I wanted to get some more of the frozen meals to eat at work but I just could not find the time to get there Wednesday or Thursday after work. I decided to go before work yesterday (Friday) because I really wanted to try something else from there. My quick stop at Trader Joe's lasted a bit longer than I expected, and when I walked out I knew that I would be back later that day.


  1. I visited a Trader Joe's once. Glad you found things you like from them :-)

  2. I've only gone into a Trader Joe's once in my life. I needed a specific ingredient for something I was working on at the time. Trader Joe's was the only place in town that had what I needed.

  3. I've never been heard it's kind of expensive and on mommy budget

  4. I really like Trader Joe's too. I really want to try their garlic butter salmon.

  5. I've been there once or twice before. I like the unique options they provide compared to other stores.

  6. Trader Joe's is okay, I just feel like it's slightly too expensive. If I had the money, I might feel differently.

  7. That blueberry goat cheese is great. Before I gave up bread, I used to buy tons of it, and spread it on a toasty baguette. It was delicious.

    I also really like that they default to paper grocery bags. Anywhere we can collectively cut down on plastic usage, I'm all for it. I wish other retailers would follow suit, and make brown paper bags the default standard again.

  8. I actually use to work at Trader Joe's when I lived in Seattle, so I'm a bit bias. I really like their concept of making a lot of seasonal items that they'll only have for a months or so. Sometimes they'll bring the items back the following year or it was just a one time thing.

  9. Trader Joe's is amazing! Its a shame that they're all so far from where I live.

  10. I've shopped there before. I like their products and the quality is great. Just a little pricey though.

  11. I have always heard good things about Trader Joe's. I have never been. now I want to go check it out.

  12. I used to go to trader joes all the time but I stopped because it was getting very expensive.

  13. You completely lost me at blueberry goat cheese. I really thought there was a comma missing, but after looking it up I can confidently say I learned something new today haha! I'm glad you found some things you like! I have only been to a Trader Joe's once before.
