Saturday, February 19, 2022

Going Home

I have lived in Las Vegas for almost two years now, and it has been an experience for me. Nevada is the first place that I have lived other than my birthplace. I am from Texas, specifically Arlington, Texas. Arlington is in north Texas and is a part of the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex. I lived there for 22 years of my life. When I was 21 I moved from Arlington to Dallas, it was different than what I was used to even though it was only 40 minutes from my hometown. I went from the suburbs to the city.

Las Vegas has been great to me overall. There are many reasons I love being here including, the weather, mountains, and lack of mosquitoes. I also really enjoy the amount of entertainment I can always find. My absolute favorite part of Las Vegas (coming from a born and raised Texan) is being able to buy liquor/spirits at any time, any day, and almost anywhere. In Texas, they only sell beer and wine at grocery stores and convenience stores and that's after 11 AM. You have to go to the liquor store to buy spirits. Oh yeah, they also close at 9:00 PM, are closed on Sundays.

Over the past month, my wife and I have been discussing moving back to Texas. Our main reason for even thinking about moving back is that we want to start a family. Other than that both of our immediate families live in the DFW, and all of our friends. We have built many meaningful relationships here, and I love that I was able to meet the people I call my friends. Last week, we decided that we are going to move back to Texas. We have many things to do before that is possible but, if everything goes as planned we should be back in Texas by July 1, 2022. I am not sure if I want to move back to the DFW or try somewhere new like Austin or San Antonio. All I know right now is that I need to prepare myself for the year-round mosquitoes, humidity, and bipolar weather.

Las Vegas has been good to me, I know I will miss being here.


  1. Wow, you will move back to TX after the Spring 2022 semester. Will you continue your higher education pursuit?

  2. Mosquitoes are the worst, I lived In Florida, Georgia, and Alabama and they tortured me. For some reason they gravitate to me, maybe due to my blood type who knows. Home is wherever you are happy and surrounded by those you love. After serving my country for 7 years I realized that Las Vegas is that place for me.

  3. I'd definitely recommend San Antonio, I lived there for about 3yrs a while back and loved it. Can't say I remember too many mosquitos there lol PS isn't Arlington where King of the Hill is based on?

  4. I also enjoy the lack of mosquitoes. When I went to Missouri/Florida. I was torn apart by them. They mainly bit my ankles, and it was horrible. The itchiness in my ankles felt different than any other bites on my body. The bites left scars around my ankle, because I was itching them really badly. That's one reason I do not want to visit again.

  5. Congratulations on your move and starting your family. Wishing you nothing but blessings.

  6. Congratulations on the move! TX is cheaper, depending on where you live, but you also have to deal with the weather like you said.

  7. My best friend from high school just recently moved with his family down to that general area. Coming from a small, rural area, it's been a huge shift...he still can't quite get over how many lanes a lot of the highways have around there.

  8. I would like to visit Texas. I heard they have great barbeque down there.

  9. My favorite thing about living in Vegas is that the majority of businesses are open 24/7.

  10. I've heard so many great things about Texas and I really want to go someday! I hope everything goes well for you and your partner with your future plans!

  11. Congratulation on your move. The humidity is good for your skin and hair.

  12. Texas sounds like a great place to live I love las Vegas but I get tired of the strip and the general noise of the city. Texas sounds like a great place to live a quieter life.

  13. Congrats! hope all goes well! I was also thinking of moving to Texas for a job but I am still debating that
