Saturday, February 5, 2022

LOOK OUT: Social Engineering Attacks

Most of us know to always be cautious when using the internet to ensure our sensitive information is always safe. The need to use the World Wide Web is only increasing which means we have new internet users all the time, and we aren't always sure of what to look out for. Testout Office Pro LabSim 1.4.8 Internet Safety Facts, provided me with many precaution tips for internet use, specifically:

  • Never implicitly trust information from the Internet. This includes web pages, email messages, social media posts, and downloaded files. Always validate such information against reliable sources.

To dive a little deeper into why we should not trust all information on the internet let's discuss common social engineering attacks seen on the internet and examples of how they are used. Four common engineering attacks are Reconnaissance, Pretexting, Email Attacks, and Browser Attacks.

  • Reconnaissance passively gathers information about a potential victim. The goal is to identify key information needed to further exploit the victim. Forms include shoulder surfing, eavesdropping, and dumpster diving.
  • Pretexting attempts to trick the victim into revealing sensitive information under false pretenses. Some forms of pretexting are Intimidation, social validation, and familiarity.
  • Email attacks attempt to exploit a victim using email messages, which include phishing, spear phishing, Nigerian scams, and email hoaxes.
  • Browser attacks convince the victim that they are performing a legitimate task within their browser window, when in fact they are being tricked into revealing sensitive information or installing malware on their computer. Some examples are pharming and rogue antivirus attacks.
After reading about these engineering attack types and looking up situation scenarios for each I feel more equipped to spot spam and fraudulent attack attempts more efficiently to ensure I'm keeping my sensitive information internet safe.


  1. Very glad to hear you feel more equipped to spot scams and fraudulent attack attempts more efficiently :-)

    Thank you for giving an excerpt of what you learned from Chapter 1: Online Essentials ^_^

  2. The internet is a wild place, it's key to know how to defend yourself.

  3. WWW doesn't stand for World Wide Web, it stands for Wild Wild West because there's no rules when it comes to the internet.

  4. I have trust issues, so I already question everything.

  5. Same I am the person who accidentally deletes needed emails if I am not completely sure its forreal.

  6. I remember the first time I got one of those "Rogue Virus" pop-ups. It really freaked me out, because I'd never seen one before, and it comes at you so quick, trying to hit you before you can think. You definitely have to be aware, as this section made crystal clear.

  7. The internet is a wild place. Its a good thing we learned some tips that we can use to protect ourselves and be vigilant.

  8. Great information to know, helps if you are trying to get CompTIA Security Plus certified.

  9. It's really good to know how to defend against those attacks. It can be incredibly destructive to fall for those tricks.

  10. This class has open my eyes to how information gets around. I used to think that if I send a video or picture to someone, It would be shared between me and the receiver. Only to find out that it goes through several stages before it actually gets to the receiver. Very scary. Not to mention attacks and viruses.

  11. I am glad I have never been a victim to any of these attacks. Definitely an important lesson.

  12. I have to admit that I have fallen for social engineering attacks in the past one of the worst ones is when they pretend to be a account or software that you actually have. The Information in Lab Sim helped me look out for these scams and to be more cautious.

  13. It is so important to be cautious online now a days, the internet is vast and can be crazy at times.

  14. Knowing what I know now about social engineering attacks, makes me more aware of all the possible ways I can be attack. So now I am more vigilant. How I open new emails or messages.

  15. Agreed, I remember that I was told about how somebody once hacked MGM and stole a large amounts of money. Everything was done thanks to a simple email that got phished and the person was not aware of the person being suspicious. Luckily for MGM they found the person and were able to get the money back from the hacker, but it's things that you don't remember that people are capable of in order to get money.

  16. If only my grandparents could understand this! Haha
