Friday, January 28, 2022

My Love For Dogs

For many dog lovers, their love for dogs started at a young age. I am no exception to that statement. Today I am going to tell you a story so old that I have no actual memory of it.

One of my favorite movies as a toddler was 101 dalmatians. It is said that I would watch this movie repeatedly, every day if my family let me. Even at the young age of three, I knew I wanted to be a dog owner, and I didn't hesitate to advocate for my wants. My mom tells me I would mention to everyone we happened to be around that I wanted a dog, specifically a Dalmatian.

One day after my many hours of 101 Dalmatians on repeat my dad came home with "a special gift" just for me. I was excited before I even knew what it was. My dad hands me a gift bag and inside lays a toy dog. It was definitely more like a robot dog with fabric covering. I assume this had to do with the fact that it could bark and walk around. As thoughtful as the gift was three-year-old Jamila wanted no part of this robot dog and went running for the hills screaming when it was turned on. My family makes it seem like I cried about this for days, some say they thought it would never end. What none of us knew was there was light at the end of this toddler tantrum nightmare.

The next Friday, my dad came home with a cardboard box that had a lid with holes. On the top, there was a bow and writing that said, " For Jamila... and the family". He walked directly to me and placed the box down at my feet. He crouched down and began to take the lid of the box and a nose and two paws popped out the little gap where the lid was being lifted. My dad likes to joke and say that once I saw the paws I pushed the lid back so fast he almost lost a finger. Looking inside the box there are four eyes looking back at me, the eyes of two Dalmation puppies.

At that moment my life changed forever and I did not even know it. That moment has impacted my entire life and still is daily. It started with just dogs and now I enjoy most creatures I encounter. Right now I live with three dogs ( Willow, Lincoln "Link", and Maggie), and two cats (Leo, and Hazel), but I know there are more to come.


  1. What a lovely story of a girl and her Dalmatians :-)

    Three dogs and two cats and more to come?

    Hmm... how many humans in the house to care for four-legged creatures?

    1. Only 2 humans to do the caring. My partner is a big help!

  2. I love dogs too! It's been years since I've had my own puppers, but I hope to buy a corgie someday soon.

    1. I love corgis! honestly I think my newest puppy is part corgi. She has those ears and a corgi butt!

  3. I just pictured your whole story, that's so cute

  4. Dogs are amazing in their own special way. The way they are little fluffy goof balls. They are adorable. I have a cat of my own and I'm sure I'll be posting a blog about her in the future because he's my baby.

  5. That's amazing! My family really did not want to get any pets, but we've recently gotten a puppy last year! We have a 2 year out purebred terrier named Charlie and we love him!

  6. We always had a dog when I was a growing up; "man's best friend" indeed.

    Actually, Dad's dog straight up saved him from a house fire a couple years back. He takes great care of her, gives her chicken and salmon for dinner, etc.

    I think she actually eats better than I do.

  7. Having pets is great. I myself have cat, they are easier to take care of and are less needy for attention which I like.

  8. That's such a sweet story, I'm sure you were so surprised. Pets really do become your best friend. I had my pup, Princess, for 18 years until she recently passed. They were the best 18 years a girl could ask for.

  9. My favorite dog movie when I was young was Homebound 2. I would rewind the VHS so many times. My favorite dog was Shadow the golden retriever. My parents never allowed me to have a dog, unless it was a toy dog. It wasn't until we I was 18 that we brought a puppy home. He was a Pitbull mix. My dog actually just passed away on Christmas Day. I miss him so much.

  10. This was a really sweet story. The movie I watched repeatedly was Dumbo. That one Disney movie with the elephant was something my younger self was obsessed with.

  11. I remember watching that movie back in the days. I cannot tell you all the details because it has been so long. Dogs are so cute. I can imaging the expression on your face when you opened that box.

  12. I am more of a cat person but I did also like dogs growing up in fact I used to volunteer at an animal shelter and it made me appreciate dogs more.

  13. That's a cute story, my daughter has a Yorkshire Terrier. He looks like a Teddy Bear when his hair grows out, so we call him bear, now that he is older, we call him papa bear.

  14. That is such an awesome story, my sister had a very similar situation and our dog has been with us for almost 11 years now! We wish to stay with her for many more. She is a little chihuahua and shares her kingdom with another dog and a cat. My sister first watched the Disney movie "Beverly Hills Chihuahua", that made her want one ever since the movie came out and my dad's friend happened to have puppies at the moment and a party where they would be able to meet the puppies. "Amy" is the name that we gave her and out of the 4 puppies, she is the only one that was like her dad, with black and yellow fur. She used to be mistaken for a Miniature Pincher.

  15. Unfortunately for me no matter how much I would advocate for dogs I was always reminded that my mom was allergic. We tried our luck with a rabbit once. Didn't work. But, I'm glad you got your puppies after that!
