Saturday, January 22, 2022

Starting Over

Deciding to go back to school for a degree is something I have been saying I wanted to do for a while now. My last time being in an actual college course going towards a degree was May of 2016. Life came around and things had to be put aside, unfortunately school was the thing that had to go. I was not able to be as successful as I wanted while working full time and having a full class schedule. Since then I have done many things as a professional, I have even taken courses/programs for certifications.

I decided to apply at CSN in late November 2021, to continue my journey in getting my degree in Animal Science. After being accepted and getting all of the welcoming emails I had true excitement for returning to school. I was proud of myself for taking the first step, anxiety followed soon after the excitement. the fear of being out of school was overwhelming, but I decided to push forward and register for classes. The closer it got to the start of the semester the more anxiety and fear started to creep in my mind. I received an email from Mr. Wu to have a WebEx meeting a few days before the start of classes. As soon as I logged onto the video meeting the energy I felt from Mr. Wu honestly made my anxiety disappear. By the time I was finished with the meeting I felt excited for this new beginning all over again. 

Since the semester has started I have received nothing but encouragement and support from everyone I have encountered here at CSN. I am so glad I took this step to better my future. I am happy to be a CSN Coyote.


  1. Very glad to hear I made your anxiety disappear ^_^

    From what I observed of you in the first classroom session today, I know you will succeed in IS101-3010, Spring 2022 and anything else you focus your mind and energy to!

    Welcome to the CSN Coyote family :-)

  2. You definitely got this girl. Thank you for helping me in class.

  3. That is so awesome that you are doing animal science! There are so many things that we don't know about our furry companions that it would be awesome to get to know. That is super exciting!

  4. I know exactly where you're coming from. I went to CSN about 11 years ago, but decided to play the game of life on hard mode and had a daughter at 19. I can't wait to get a degree and finally play this game on easy mode.

  5. Animal Science sounds like an interesting degree to pursue. I am pursuing a Network System Administrator myself. It is surprising how many degrees can benefit from IS101.

  6. I don't know what you plan on doing in animal science, but I'm sure the animals will love you! God speed and even though it's going to be hard, have fun with it. You have to go though school, don't suffer with it.

  7. Welcome back to college. I myself am a returning student. Making the decision to come back is an accomplishment in itself.

  8. I'm happy to hear that you're feeling great about returning to school. To jump back into anything when you're forced to take a break can certainly be daunting, but its even more incredible overcoming that fear and anxiety! Good luck in accomplishing anything you need to!

  9. Animal science sounds so cool, but I am not really good at science. I find it also cool that you decided to come back to school.

  10. The more of these I read, the more people I see like myself, who've been out of the classroom for a while. It's actually really reassuring.

  11. That anxiety you felt when you first started CSN was something I also felt, so I can relate. But the excitement overwrites the anxiety now that we're a few weeks in.

  12. I feel like it is natural for us to have spells of anxiety in school on a normal basis, but even more so after being out for a while. I do have those spells too. Sometimes my palm gets sweaty because I am anxious... especially when I don't understand what I am doing.

  13. There is a lot of encouragement around the school! Excellent staff and a great environment.

  14. I can relate to returning to school and all the emotions that come with it. Good luck in your studies of animal science.

  15. I think that anxiety is very common when going back to college but I think other students and professors will help encourage you.

  16. Anxiety is definitely the biggest obstacle a lot of people face. I'm glad you were reassured and that you have a positive attitude coming in to it!
