Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Aftermath

I felt inspired to go ahead and detail the concert experience since there was so many well wishes on the last post.

Allegient Stadium is gargantuan to begin with; I think we ended up walking some miles throughout the entire concert. As we walked up to the venue, we saw all of the other ARMYs gathering with their friends, showing off their outfits and lightstick designs, and sharing and swapping their photocards. I received a number of small freebies that other concertgoers had brought to pass out including a photocard and a few stickers.

I pride myself on being a fan while having some sense about me but the scream that I let out when the lights first went down can only be described as ear-piercing, blood-curdling, and everything in between. I actually think I lost my voice right there at the beginning because I was struggling throughout the rest of the concert. It was the most fun I've had in FOREVER.

BTS' ability to tour in general has been greatly affected by the pandemic. My friends and I speculated that there may be a world tour announcement at the end of the concert but didn't want to get our hopes up too much. Finally, after the last song, the lights went down and suddenly displayed was a compilation of clips of them throughout their career, since their debut in 2013. Then at the end it read: "06.10.2022". I used the last bit of voice to scream at this announcement.

Just know after June 10th you can catch me bumping their new album daily!


  1. Excellent to hear you had the most fun in FOREVER at the concert ^_^

    Good thing their new album drops after Spring 2022 semester ends :-)

  2. When I see folks at BTS shows, it's just interesting...from a distance, it looks like a total throwback to 90s' rave culture, with the glow sticks and everything.

    It's funny sometimes, how this stuff cycles back around.

  3. Sounds like an amazing time! Glad you had fun!

  4. Sounds like fun. Those are amazing memories to have. Memories live forever.

  5. Im glad you had a good time. My husband worked the concert as security and he was telling me it was fun.

  6. Sounds like BTS knows how to put on a show.

  7. My cousins and sister were making little gift bags for people and they came back with so much stuff as well!

  8. Glad you had fun! I saw clips on TV and it really looked exciting.

  9. I didn't get to go, but I heard the news! I'm super stoked for it to come out.
